Wednesday, 17 July 2013

…Last Knockings…


No surprise that the heat wave has shrunken our rivers to alarmingly low levels.  That coupled with climbing water temperatures has knocked daytime sport.  Come that last hour though the fishing kicked off big time.  I’m lucky that my home river contains not only Blue-Winged Olives, but several species of caddis too.  Both have been hatching off as the light fades, sending trout into a feeding frenzy.  The best of it though has been when B-WO spinners came tumbling, encouraging fish to continue sipping well after dark.  Granted, because it’s visual, day time sport takes some beating, but there’s something magical about last knockings when you can hear good sized trout slurping away in the gloaming!

BWO Spinner




Sending out tiny ripples this B-WO spinner has sealed her fate…such actions make you think about movement as a trigger in our flies!




~Picking off spent spinners this solid fish had edged into shallow water on dark, he aggressively ate a size 16 para-spinner before exploding into life~
