Saturday, 27 July 2013

B-WO Bean feast:

P1040964I’m lucky that my local river boasts a decent population of Blue-Winged Olives, yet over the last week their numbers have swelled to unbelievable proportions.  In fact, on three consecutive evenings so many B-WO spinners spilled downstream that the trout quickly got their fill.  This of course might have crammed the action into 60 minutes or so, but what an hour…the trout went positively berserk.  Though with so many naturals about, not only did you need a decent imitation, accurate casting was called for too.  Generally as fishermen we shun hot weather, yet with spinner action like this, as far as I’m concerned the longer it lasts the better!






…A carpet of B-WO spinners like this is a rare spectacle these days, so I for one enjoyed it by returning night after night…







This solid 2lb plus fish couldn’t resist a #16 para spinner.  However, because he only had a tiny window of vision it took several casts to achieve the correct line of drift right over his head
