Monday, 18 November 2013

Predators on the chew:


P1000215Although permit and bonefish were off the menu, predatory species seemed to be enjoying the unseasonable drop in temperature. Poling the mangroves, we had rich pickings for sharks, jacks and barracuda.  There were moments of excitement too when snook flirted with us by edging out from deep within the mangroves though best of all had to be those tarpon.  Most of our group managed to tangle with one or two of these impressive creatures, even on the bleakest of days.  Pictured above is Paul Little with his very first tarpon, a cheeky grin says it all.  Admittedly, this might not equate to one of those ocean going giants, but that didn’t matter one jot to Paul…

Lemon sharks like this wandered up onto the flats, giving us plenty of opportunities to tempt them.







My baitfish flies have been taking a beating from both barracuda and sharks. So much so that the resin heads suffered damage beyond repair.  Fortunately, the fly box is full!