Saturday, 8 October 2011

A day on the Wye:

Wye 034

Friends of Cressbrook and Litton AA hold an end of season bash on the Derbyshire Wye.  I was there spending a day with Kris Kent of the Wild Trout Trust, wearing my WWT Vice-President’s hat of course.  True to form the day dawned dank and miserable, making trout or more importantly the insects they care to eat a little lethargic.  Though come lunchtime things were in full swing.  John Glynn, Kris and myself passed up this slap-up affair in favour of fishing and what fun we had.  Using tiny dries on fine tippets afternoon sport was as good as it gets.  Though occasionally, both Kris and John turned to the dark side by knotting on a tiny nymph…bah.


Wye 033


Known as the “Silver back”, Kris has enormous hands which makes any trout look small!  Though one thing you can’t deny is the sheer beauty of Wye rainbows which come into their own during September.

Wye 028