Saturday, 15 October 2011

There’s caddis about too:


~Yours truly disturbing caddis…or something like that~



Although much of our sport centred round upwinged hatches the San boasts an incredible population of caddis too. Admittedly, many of these emerge undercover of darkness before making for bankside safety. Believe it or not, retrieving a snagged fly from overhanging trees has certain advantages. Any adult caddis resting here were easily disturbed and soon scuttling about the surface. In such circumstances it’s hard not to take advantage by flinging a fly into the immediate area.


We all like a photo of a good fish for posterity and Paul Mercer is no different.  However, whilst trying to snap a plump grayling, it happened to slip from his hand……that’s what he reckons anyway!


Friday, 14 October 2011

A bumper hatch


It’s not everyday you have an opportunity to experience Blue-winged olives that run into their thousands. Equally, not every river is capable of producing such an event.  Yet, when she’s on song the San yields an astonishing number of fly.  A drop in temperature was just the job to spur these on when we were treated to a bumper hatch.   Better still the boys managed to connect with some quality fish too.




~Mark Whitmarsh…one very happy chappy~


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Blue winged-olives bring it on:


~Brian Garner and Paul Mercer search out a sheltered corner~




Back home weather conditions often dictate our fishing and the same is pretty much true in Poland.  Faced with a niggling breeze, we had to search out a quiet corner or two in a bid to find rising fish.  Thankfully, parts of the San flow through heavily wooded regions which provide welcome shelter.  It was here that Blue Winged-olives hatched in abundance with grayling and trout close on their tails.  During lulls in the wind, grayling responded to our carefully presented flies.


~Grayling like this were in the offing~


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The sun doesn’t shine on the righteous:


~Pat Naish cradles nearly 50cm of prime San grayling~

Like most of Europe, Poland has been basking in sunshine for weeks on end.  However, we arrived just as a rain front came in, covering much of the region in cloud.  The upshot being Blue-winged olives streaming off in droves.  Of course being on the river at the right time counts for everything and those prepared to forego lunch were rewarded with some belting fish.  Using a size 20 CdC emerger, Pat Naish led the charge with Mark Whitmarsh close on his heals.


~Smiles all-round...!~


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Poland-A time for Grayling:

Poland 10 052

Autumn is prime time for fly hatches on the San River in south west Poland.  Recently though drought conditions have scuppered any Blue-winged olive activity.  However, forecasters are predicting a change so fingers crossed, cloud cover and accompanying rain will kick start hatches for our week ahead.


A day on the Wye:

Wye 034

Friends of Cressbrook and Litton AA hold an end of season bash on the Derbyshire Wye.  I was there spending a day with Kris Kent of the Wild Trout Trust, wearing my WWT Vice-President’s hat of course.  True to form the day dawned dank and miserable, making trout or more importantly the insects they care to eat a little lethargic.  Though come lunchtime things were in full swing.  John Glynn, Kris and myself passed up this slap-up affair in favour of fishing and what fun we had.  Using tiny dries on fine tippets afternoon sport was as good as it gets.  Though occasionally, both Kris and John turned to the dark side by knotting on a tiny nymph…bah.


Wye 033


Known as the “Silver back”, Kris has enormous hands which makes any trout look small!  Though one thing you can’t deny is the sheer beauty of Wye rainbows which come into their own during September.

Wye 028