Wednesday, 21 April 2010

~The Meon is an intimate little stream~

The River Meon-a hidden gem:

Following my teaching stint at Kimbridge, I was fortunate enough to spend the following afternoon on the Meon close to Soberton. With the sun beating down and bird song blasting from tree tops, it felt like spring had well and truly arrived. In fact, shirt sleeves were the order of the day!

Full of soul as it wends southwards through the Meon valley this tiny chalkstream is a proper little gem. Wild trout stationed on open gravel runs were more than happy to charge upwards and snatch a carefully presented fly. Nothing larger than 1lb of course, but beautiful wild fish full of spirit. Most came to a #16 Adams parachute fly and the odd fish that stubbornly refused could be winkled out on a small bead head nymph. It's finds like this that make all that travel worthwhile.


~A picture postcard Meon trout~

~A last ditch attempt for freedom~